Counseling Center

School Counselors are a member of the education team that provides academic, social and emotional, and college and career-ready services and support via various platforms such as individual or group sessions and classroom instruction. Counselors serve as student advocates working not just with the students but the teachers, school staff, and families as well,  while building a positive school-wide culture and improving outcomes such as attendance rates, discipline rates, graduation rates, and more.

Meet Your Counselors

Jodi Howard

Jodi Howard

Counselor/College & Career

Tina Jacquart

Tina Jacquart

Social Emotional Learning Counselor PREK-12

More Mental Health Resources

Although the Solomon school counselors are always are to help, there are additional resources in case of an emergency. In 2019, Solomon and Central Kansas Mental Health partnered to make more resources available for students. You can also contact Shelly Alderson, the USD 393 Mental Health Liasion.

Shelly Alderson

Shelly Alderson

Mental Health Liaison for Solomon and Abilene
