The flu is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. Although the flu affects everyone, children tend to get it more often than adults. The season for the flu is usually from November to April with most cases occurring between late December and early March.
The flu is often confused with the common cold, but flu symptoms tend to develop quickly (usually 1 to 4 days after a person is exposed to the flu virus) and are usually more severe than the typical sneezing and stuffiness of a cold.
Symptoms of the Flu may include:
Muscle aches, Tiredness, Runny nose, Ear infection
Chills, Headache
Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea
Loss of appetite, Sore throat, Weakness
Symptoms can last for a week or two. The flu is very contagious. Coughing or sneezing into the air spreads the flu. People who are infected with the flu are contagious as long as they show symptoms (most of the time that means about a week for adults, but for children it can mean up to two weeks).
Ways To Prevent The Flu:
To have the flu shot if your pediatrician feels you should have it.
Wash your Hands thorough and frequently
Never pick up used tissues.
Never share cups and eating utensils.
Stay home from work or school when you’re sick with the flu.
Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
How Do You Treat The Flu?
Stay home from school
Drink lots of fluids.
Get plenty of sleep and take it easy.
Call your doctor for a fever or achiness so that he/she can let you know what to take to make your child feel better.
Return to school when your child is better.