Morning Announcements
Good Morning Gorillas! Today is Thursday, May 16th
Please rise and join me in the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE
Here are today’s announcements,
FCCLA will be selling energy balls through next wednesday. Just ask any FCCLA member.
There is a meeting for all football players today during SSAG. Report to the HS library!
Tomorrow there will be class meetings during SSAG for all grade levels.
On Monday and Tuesday during SSAG, students will be checking out. You will go to your SSAG class first.
Volleyball Camp Forms are due to Mrs. Anderson by Friday, May 17th!
Teacher’s please remember to enter your lunch count and take your attendance each period.
Lunch today is:
Option 1 - Bacon Cheeseburger
Option 2 - Chicken Tacos w/spanish rice
Option 3 - Salad Bar
2nd Breakfast is: Cinnamon Roll
Option 2 - Cereal or Oatmeal
It’s a GREAT day to be a Gorilla!!!