Ryan P. Gray is the definition of a character.
The Solomon High School Senior can be spotted instantly from one end of an 80 yard hallway to the other and he’s always a sight to behold. He ambles at his own lumbering pace, a large frame moving with a bear-like lope. He’s 6’5’’–the starting center for the football team, and while his size is formidable, it’s impossible to see Ryan P. Gray and not grin.
“Ryan lights up my day every day when I see him in the hall,” said Dr. Denise Guy, math and senior 101 teacher. “He has a big smile and a ‘Hello Dr. Guy.’’’
Ryan P. Gray is the quintessential “gentle giant;” he is friendly and easy going, and well-liked by everyone. When he enters a room, a faint sway to his large steps, feet clad in size 16 steel-toed work boots, he is an unmistakable presence.
First, there is the ever-present brown paper bag full of shelled peanuts–usually the 2lb bag that can be purchased specifically at Bush’s Market. He is constantly coated in flakes of the delicate inner peanut seed coat, light brown flecks clinging to his clothing. He comes to school after his Salina Technical School classes, where he is studying to be a machinist, and he always seems faintly dirty in the manner of a man used to working with his hands.
His clothing consists of boots, t-shirts, and what he calls his “blue jeans,” (never “jeans,” but always, specifically, “blue jeans.”) and a selection of farmer’s hats that he constantly tries to sneak over his dirty blonde mullet. His look is capped off with a pair of pliers that always dangle from a belt loop.
“He brings those everywhere,” Andrew Gray, Ryan’s younger brother, notes. “He even brings them into restaurants.”
Ryan P. Gray has warm brown eyes that are quick to show hurt. He’s more sensitive than people realize. He has a grin that lights up his visage, the outer corners of his eyes crinkle as his face folds in amusement. It’s a very open face that reflects a guileless nature.
He’s much smarter and more attuned to the world around him than he lets on. Ryan P. Gray has leaned into the character of the lovable, goofy oaf, but there is more to him than that. He pretends to be inarticulate and, to be fair, his handwriting is almost illegible. But, he is actually whip smart.
“I appreciate Ryan's work ethic in class as he is always the first to get assignments submitted,” Dr. Guy notes.
It should be noted that Ryan P. Gray’s choice for his senior quote is “When’s this due?” This is reflective of both his ornery sense of humor and his sense of responsibility.
Ryan P. Gray has spent the past 3 years at Shawnee Heights High School in Topeka. He says he never completely felt like he fit in there. He felt invisible, which is ironic given his physical bearing. Coming back to Solomon has allowed him to reconnect with old friends and to prepare to graduate with a sense of comfort.
“Ryan is a quiet leader and a great friend to his classmates,” Dr. Guy said. “When he knows a friend is having a bad day he will quietly go out of his way to support them with words of encouragement.”
He cares deeply about others and is a good, loyal friend. He is kind hearted and gets along with almost anyone. He rarely loses his temper, but when he begins pacing like an agitated bear, it’s best to give him space. Luckily, his naturally cheerful disposition, a handful of peanuts, and the promise of a meal from Carlos O’Kelly’s can always bring the twinkle back to his eye.
Photo by Emma Farmer
Editing by Andrew Gray, Luka Hayes, Alana Wood, and Perry Steele