A few pictures from the homecoming day. Grilling hamburgers to the pep rally at the park. #GorillaPride
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Due to possible weather moving in we will be moving the start of tonight's football game to 6pm vs Herington. Homecoming ceremony will take place at half-time. PASS THE WORD! #GorillaPride
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
JH VB/FB tonight at 4:30pm/6pm vs. Peabody. Good luck to our teams. Also following the JH FB game will be the Homecoming Bonfire, hope to see everyone there. #GorillaPride
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Solomon Booster Club is linked to AMAZON! Use the link below when purchasing on Amazon. It is the same as Amazon, but links through a different site to give back to our SBC and our kids! Help support the #GorillaPride https://smile.amazon.com/ch/37-1695336
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Unfortunately the game tonight can not be live streamed due to technical difficulties with our software. We will post on YouTube later. So far Solomon 6-0 over Bennington #GOrillas!
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Thanks to Gleason Sign for the new addition to the west entry. Look great. #GorillaPride
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
new sign
So much happening @solomonschools today. Plenty of options to support the Gorillas. HSVB at home vs Chapman/Herington. CC is at Council Grove and JHVB/FB is @ Goessel.
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Our community continually advocates for our students to have a great learning experience. Voting is one of the most important actions to ensure this is a reality across our state. Register to vote at www.ksvotes.org before the October 16th deadline. #VoteNov6
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
3 weeks
Hope to see everyone at Solomon tonight as our HS Volleyball team plays Little River and Herrington at 6pm for varsity #GOrillas
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Good luck to the Gorillas as they travel to @GoesselUSD411 for a 7pm kick! Reminder you can catch the game live tonight online at www.usd393.net. #GorillaPride
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Good luck to the high school football team as they travel to Goessel tonight for their first district game at 7 PM. Go Gorillas!
over 6 years ago, Solomon Schools
This weeks HSFB game @GoesselUSD411 will only be streamed LIVE. Goessel is requesting all video be pulled down after 24 hrs. Please inform family and military personnel living outside of the state. #GOrillas
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Find out what's going on in the Elementary and Middle School via the Prek-8 link on the website. Each week, highlights and reminders will be added.
over 6 years ago, Shalon Worcester
Good luck to the Solomon Gorillas Volleyball team as they travel to Wakefield. Have fun and play hard. Keep your eye on the ball. Also good luck to the Cross Country team as they travel to Southeast of Saline. Don't forget to be efficient in the competition. Run fast and don’t look back!
over 6 years ago, Solomon Schools
Congratulations to the Solomon High School Football team for their victory on Friday night. The Gorillas won by 14 points and the final score was Solomon 48 & Moundridge 34. They moved to 3-0 on the year.
over 6 years ago, Zach Douglas
FB vs. Moundridge
Solomon District Site Council will meet on Sunday at 6pm in the Library. Encourage all #Gorillas to get involved. Topics will include: 1. State Assessment Scores 2. E Cigs and how it is impacting our students 3. ACT/Work Keys 4. Get an A+ in Voting campaign 5. Your items
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
Good luck to the high school football team tonight as they take on Moundridge at 7 p.m. Please come out and support the team and enjoy a Mexican Food tailgate. Go Gorillas!
over 6 years ago, Solomon Schools
Due to a new city ordinance all tailgates for the HSFB game(s) will now be in the Stadium on the WEST end of the concessions. Hope everyone can make it to the Mexican Fiesta tonight by the Soph. Class. Serving at 5:30pm #GorillaPride
over 6 years ago, Justin Coup
We want to wish our middle school athletes good luck as they travel to Centre tonight for volleyball and football. Make us proud. Go Gorillas!!!
over 6 years ago, Solomon Schools
Fall sports buttons have arrived! They have been delivered to all students that ordered them. They should be coming home today and may be utilized for the games today and tomorrow! Thanks to everyone that purchased one.
over 6 years ago, Zach Douglas